
Erk Cottrell Post 140



Special  Events


Note: We may list some Special Events occuring at our Post and in the Greenville Community on this page unless they are displayed or referenced on one of our other pages such as the Newsletter.

Examples: Could be Awards, Promotions, Birthdays, Blood Drives, etc.


NOTE: Currently there is a very important change as the Federal Government is now issuing new and different USID Cards. Read all details below and get the new cards for you and your spouse ASAP.

Next Generation Uniformed Services ID (USID)

The Next Generation Uniformed Services ID (USID) card is now being issued as a replacement for the previous version of all United States Military ID cards for all branches of service, Retired Service Members, Dependents, Spouses, all Active Duty Service Members, Reserve, Guard and others who require an official ID to access installations, services, retirement benefits and medical or VA facilities controlled by the Department of Defense or the Federal Government.

The Department of Defense is transitioning from its current based Uniformed Services Identification (USID) card to a more secure, next generation USID card. The Next Generation USID card incorporates an updated design and security features to deter counterfeiting and fraud. It is printed on a plastic cardstock. Initial issuance of the Next Generation USID card began on July 31, 2020 at DoD ID card facilities. The new USID cards are issued to retired and reserve members, dependent family members of Uniformed Services members, and other eligible individuals in accordance with DoD policy to facilitate access to benefits, privileges, and DoD bases. The Next Generation USID card does not change those people who are eligible or have a current card.

Currently-issued USID cards remain valid through their expiration date however; those with a RETIRED (INDEF) expiration date can get their new card with the (INDEF) starting in the summer of 2021. There was a time restraint do to conditions as a result of COVID-19 to keep both cardholders and operators safe but that restraint is now over. The cards are being issued to new retirees and family members, as well as beneficiaries whose cards have expired. The complete transition of all old cards to the new security cards is expected by the DOD to be completed by January 2026. So get your old card replaced with the new card now.



NOTE: You can have your new Next Generation USID card issued to you at Wright-Patterson AFB.

The on base address is listed below and both you and your spouse simply need to show-up at the building with your current USID cards. They will take your picture for your new card and issue it to you right then. Their office hours are: Monday 8AM-3PM, Tuesday 8AM–3PM, Wednesday  8AM–3PM, Thursday 8AM–3PM, Friday 8AM–3PM, Saturday Closed,  Sunday Closed.  You may also call the number below to confirm a time.

88th FSS/FSMPS  ID Card Section at Wright-Patterson AFB

2000 Albrook Dr. Building #2   (937) 257-2547

Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433